"When Blair goes somewhere, he relies on a staff of 30 (and five bodyguards). When Bush goes somewhere, he relies on a staff of 800 (and 100 bodyguards); if he vistits two countries on the same trip, the firgure rises to 1,600; three countries, and the figure is 2,400. At the other end, Blair will settle for whatever transport is made available. Using freight aircraft, Bush takes along his own limousine, his own back-up limousine, his own refuling trucks and his own helicopters. Mm, murmured a chastened Brit. You make our lives seem very simple. This was, shall we say, the diplomatic way of putting it."

Indeed. Even in this list of superlatives, I think that the helicopters and the refuling trucks stand out.
Apparently the presidential motorcade includes 35 vehicles. Not including the helicopters and trucks, I suppose.
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