Moving House in Downing Street

Some headline from the shortest move in history. Interstingly New PM Brown often wasn't the number one headline as Blair has been confirmed as Middle East envoy and Merkel gets some credit at the end of German presidency. Here we go. The German runs a rather dull "Erst Premier, jetzt Gesandter", Where as Der Spiegel (German weekly magazine) focuses on "Brown's Independence Day" ("Browns Unabhängigkeitstag") The Swiss are also dull, the headline of Neue Zürcher Zeitung reads "Blair zum Nahost-Sondergesandten ernannt" (and continue in smaller print, "Browns Kabinett soll am Donnerstag vorgestellt werde", and Die Zeit simply informs "Blair ist neuer Sondergesandter" (Blair is new special envoy) . Interstingly Süddeutsche Zeitung is the only that doesn't rank the news among the top three. In fact it's the fourth headline after Merkel re Poland, Merkel re Marco and, yes, Merkel re the Kaczynskis. And the SZ also seems to be the only paper that claims to know that the German Government is not amused about Blair's new job (Bundesregierung irritiert über Berufung Blairs).
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