It is worrying though as they shows that the government has not been able to tackle the problem. Young and well educated people move to the West or foreign countries. Why shouldn't they? The aveage unemployment rate for the Eastern Bundesländer has been 20 percent for years.
It is also not new that the Neo-Nazi and other radical right wing groups are popular in the so called new states. It is very distressing indeed that they attract especially young people, mostly teens and young men. And one conclusion is that those who stay only have an average education. Some of them are more likely to believe (Neo) Nazi propaganda as it offer so easy solutions. Something along the lines of 'foreigners steal your job'.
You have to ask yourself why black world cup tourist were warned to to go to certain areas in Berlin and Brandenburg. Lonely Planet did the same before the world cup fever started.
My feeling is that these problems are widely ignored by politicians. I remember that the funds for anti-nazi programmes and for organisations who try to give these kids some future. I reckon it helps a lot if the only explain the world to them and make them aware of other cultures. Tell them, that it is mostly foreigners who empty there wheelie bins and that being gay is nothing unnatural or wrong.
Sad but true, people were killed because of her skin colour, sexual orientation etc.
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