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Monday, 19 May 2008

Comment on “Debt in the afternoon: bullfighting staggers into crisis”, The Guradian 12th May 2008

Many thanks to Graham Keeley for today’s article regarding the decline of the bullfighting industry (“Debt in the afternoon: bullfighting staggers into crisis”). It reveals that the industry, behind the all the PR spin, is facing huge financial problems and will eventually collapse.

Bullfighting is nothing more than a cruel pastime that is indeed unpopular among Spaniards – but it is also a red rag to tourists. Eighty-nine per cent of the British citizens would never visit a bullfight while on holiday (ComRes poll commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports, April 2008).

We have to ask ourselves why this spectacle is kept alive through millions of EU subsidies financed by the taxpayer.

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