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Sunday, 15 April 2007

Bryan's Bunker

I guess Bryan Ferry had no idea that his remark in the interview for the German weekly Welt am Sonntag (4th March) a couple of weeks ago could be used against him. But then how daft can you be to admit that you admire Riefenstahl's movies, Speer's buidlings and Nazi mass parades and not think that there will be an outcry? In a German newspaper! Up to now Ferry was lucky. Even the Welt editor's were sensible enough (or gutless) to leave out the passage of the March interview (Headline: "I am a serious player") on their website. It seemed that the remarks remained almost unoticed in German media in general. Only Spiegel online and freundin, a women's magazin reported. I actually discovered it in the satire magazine Titanic (April edition) in the infamous column "Briefe an die Leser".

Today's Independent on Sunday finally reveals his "Nazi gaffe - and the outcry was prompt. And loud.

Moreover Ferry calls his West London studio "Führerbunker".

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