This organisation is looking for a member of staff for the membership department of the umbrella organisation of Berlin child and pupil shops. Reading through the job spec I wasn't able to determine what the job really is about. They don't tell you how much you earn, unless you now what BAT Vc/IVa is.
BAT is short for Bundesangestelltentarif which is the salary scheme for federal state employees. And if you google BAT West (Germany that is) you learn that grade Vc/IVa is between 1,661.70 and 2,286.68 Euros. Per month, so an annual salary from about 20K to 27K. I fyou are between 33 and 35 years old. Less if you are younger, more if you are older.
Just dig a little bit deeper into the German public service salary structure you will soon find that BAT was changed to Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or TVöD in 2005. And if you are lucky to find a calculator you will eventually know your salary. It's group 8,9 or 10. Anyway, the money is the same
Oh, and they are looking for someone to join their team at 20 April 2009. Any more questions?