Minutes after seeing the first sunlight, and be it 10 degrees, they put on their shorts and flip flops. Ban smoking in pubs, they have a fag outside in the rain. No one complains. And when you tell them not to drink in the tube? Well, they have a party the night before the ban comes into place - for starters.
Saturday night saw Liverpool Street Station overcrowded due to hundreds of people partying on the last day before the
drinking ban.
Police were hopelessly understaffed and powerless against the mostly joyful party people. Well, some got arrested...

Circle Line seemed the perfect venue for many.

The last pints were downed just minutes before midnight.

And he's the one to blame. New London Mayor Boris Johnson.
Not everybody was amused though and only saw
"devastation" and "chaos". One question remains though was it a demonstration or celebration?