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Thursday, 30 November 2006
Clean pubs at last
The date the smoking ban in England will come into force has been announced today. It's the 1st July. So over a week for the pubs to clear until my birthday. Great. But let's have a fag the night before ;-)
Thursday, 23 November 2006
Ladenschluss sucks!
"Auch Hessen und Brandenburg liberalisieren Ladenschluss
Nach anderen Bundesländern haben nun auch Hessen und Brandenburg den Ladenschluss weitgehend freigegeben. Der hessische Landtag in Wiesbaden entschied, dass ab Dezember der Einkauf an Werktagen rund um die Uhr möglich sein soll. Lediglich Sonn- und Feiertage bleiben weitgehend geschützt.Das Parlament in Potsdam beschloss eine ähnliche Regelung. Auch eine Ausweitung der Öffnungszeiten an den Advent-Sonntagen ist vorgesehen. Zuvor hatten bereits unter anderem Berlin, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Sachsen die Ladenschluss-Bestimmungen gelockert."
dradio-newsletters: Deutschlandradio 20 Uhr Nachrichten vom 23. November 2006
"Auch Hessen und Brandenburg liberalisieren Ladenschluss
Nach anderen Bundesländern haben nun auch Hessen und Brandenburg den Ladenschluss weitgehend freigegeben. Der hessische Landtag in Wiesbaden entschied, dass ab Dezember der Einkauf an Werktagen rund um die Uhr möglich sein soll. Lediglich Sonn- und Feiertage bleiben weitgehend geschützt.Das Parlament in Potsdam beschloss eine ähnliche Regelung. Auch eine Ausweitung der Öffnungszeiten an den Advent-Sonntagen ist vorgesehen. Zuvor hatten bereits unter anderem Berlin, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Sachsen die Ladenschluss-Bestimmungen gelockert."
dradio-newsletters: Deutschlandradio 20 Uhr Nachrichten vom 23. November 2006
20 Millionen illegale Waffen in Deutschland
Diese Meldung hat mich geschockt.
[...] 2002 schätzte die Gewerkschaft der Polizei die Zahl der illegalen Schusswaffen in Deutschland auf 20 Millionen, die Größenordnung wurde seither nie ernsthaft bestritten. Die Sprecherin des Bundeskriminalamtes dazu: "Uns liegt hierzu kein statistisches Datenmaterial vor, und Schätzungen geben wir nicht ab." [...]
Ich habe für Amnesty International bei der Kampagne control arms (Waffen unter Kontrolle) engagiert und Passanten und Kinobesuchern erzählt, wie viele illegale Waffen in Afrika kursieren, dass Kindersoldaten an ihnen zum Töten ausgebildet werden und jede Minute ein Mensch durch eine Kugel stirbt. Dabei habe ich habe nicht daran gedacht, dass jeder vierte mit dem ich gesprochen habe, statistisch auch eine illegale Waffe zu HAuse im Schrank stehen hat. Vielliecht bin ich zu naiv...
[...] 2002 schätzte die Gewerkschaft der Polizei die Zahl der illegalen Schusswaffen in Deutschland auf 20 Millionen, die Größenordnung wurde seither nie ernsthaft bestritten. Die Sprecherin des Bundeskriminalamtes dazu: "Uns liegt hierzu kein statistisches Datenmaterial vor, und Schätzungen geben wir nicht ab." [...]
Ich habe für Amnesty International bei der Kampagne control arms (Waffen unter Kontrolle) engagiert und Passanten und Kinobesuchern erzählt, wie viele illegale Waffen in Afrika kursieren, dass Kindersoldaten an ihnen zum Töten ausgebildet werden und jede Minute ein Mensch durch eine Kugel stirbt. Dabei habe ich habe nicht daran gedacht, dass jeder vierte mit dem ich gesprochen habe, statistisch auch eine illegale Waffe zu HAuse im Schrank stehen hat. Vielliecht bin ich zu naiv...
Sunday, 19 November 2006
What a week!
This week was quite an exiting one. It started with an accident just outside our office. A motor cyclist was hit by a car when making a right turn. Despite the fact that the hit must have caused a loud noise I didn't hear anything, but ran out of the office after seeing the crashed bike on the street. Everything I had learned in the First Aid Course rushed through my head. When I arrived at the scene I could see that the cyclist was lying in the street holding is leg that was apparently broken. He was surrounded by people and someone apparently had called an ambulance. So apart from reassuring him that help would be there soon there was no need for First Aid.
On Thursday we had a heavily drunken tramp who was also shouting at passers-by on our door step. We had to call the police. Once there they questioned him, but he was not really in the state to answer them. Then they tried to remove him from the steps. That didn't work either. By the time I left they managed to move him from the step to the pavement. After all.
Friday promised to be very busy as I had to hand in a report. Around lunchtime someone was due in to fix the electricity problem in the office. Too make a long story short, we ended up with an electrician who was furious when I had told that we cannot pay him by cheque as agreed before as the signatory had to leave because of an emergency. Ok, I did not deliver what was agreed. But, hey, what would you do if someone calls you in to fix a problem and you had agreed on a immediate payment after fulfillment? And knowing that the other option, i.e. invoicing your customer (not an unusual thing to do anyway, is it?) would bring you 100 quid more? Right, tell him you have to add that amount to the invoice, get your worksheet signed, leave and report to your boss. Well, he did all that in the end, but not without making a major fuss about our agreement, my responsibility and even our morality.
On Thursday we had a heavily drunken tramp who was also shouting at passers-by on our door step. We had to call the police. Once there they questioned him, but he was not really in the state to answer them. Then they tried to remove him from the steps. That didn't work either. By the time I left they managed to move him from the step to the pavement. After all.
Friday promised to be very busy as I had to hand in a report. Around lunchtime someone was due in to fix the electricity problem in the office. Too make a long story short, we ended up with an electrician who was furious when I had told that we cannot pay him by cheque as agreed before as the signatory had to leave because of an emergency. Ok, I did not deliver what was agreed. But, hey, what would you do if someone calls you in to fix a problem and you had agreed on a immediate payment after fulfillment? And knowing that the other option, i.e. invoicing your customer (not an unusual thing to do anyway, is it?) would bring you 100 quid more? Right, tell him you have to add that amount to the invoice, get your worksheet signed, leave and report to your boss. Well, he did all that in the end, but not without making a major fuss about our agreement, my responsibility and even our morality.
Just to be on the safe side

Just have a look at the picture above. I came across it on my way to work. The sign shows the entrance to a mosque. Does that ring a bell? Well, as I live two minutes from there I felt I should let you know...
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Kleiner Beitrag zum Thema Immer auf die Kleinen. Das unterste Viertel der deutschen Steuerzahler trägt weniger als vier Prozent zum Einkommenssteueraufkommen bei. Diejenigen auf den top Plätzen (das sind die ersten acht Prozent, die einen Spitzensteursatz 40 bis 42 Prozent zahlen) kommen für 44 Prozent auf. (Die Zeit vom 2. November 2006, S.23)
Mit anderen Worten, der Staat bekommt fast die Hälfte seiner Einnahmen durch die Einkommensteuer von acht Prozent der arbeitenden Bevölkerung.
Mit anderen Worten, der Staat bekommt fast die Hälfte seiner Einnahmen durch die Einkommensteuer von acht Prozent der arbeitenden Bevölkerung.
Monday, 13 November 2006
Zitat der Woche
Zugegeben, FJ Jung war und ist kein Politpromi und selbst den meisten Hessen vermutlich kein Begriff. Er diente ein Jahr lang MP Koch als Kanzleichef und stand zwei Jahre der CDU-Landtagsfraktion in Wiesbaden vor.
Aber das Ergebnis einer ARD-Umfrage, hat mich dann doch etwas geschockt. "Mir sagt der Name gar nichts", oder "Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass der Franz Josef Jung so Sachbücher in punkto Kochen schreibt". Auch jemand, "der Musik gemacht hat", fällt zufällig gefragten Passanten bei dem Namen Franz Josef Jung ein."
Aber das Ergebnis einer ARD-Umfrage, hat mich dann doch etwas geschockt. "Mir sagt der Name gar nichts", oder "Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass der Franz Josef Jung so Sachbücher in punkto Kochen schreibt". Auch jemand, "der Musik gemacht hat", fällt zufällig gefragten Passanten bei dem Namen Franz Josef Jung ein."
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
You wonder what they have learned from the past...

But wasn't there something else? Something you - oh, sorry, should I limit this to the yellow press? - jump at immediately? Yes, there was. And yes it's the Nazis. They are back. In a way at least.
According to a survey by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation more than 15 percent of Germans want to have a "Führer with a strong hand", 26 percent a sole party in the country that represents the ethnic community ("Volksgemeinschaft")!!! By now all signals must have turned to red!
BBC, this is newsworthy! Not Britney's sex life or a tosser running on a prison's roof.
Tuesday, 7 November 2006

Ich hatte es eigentlich schon aufgegeben, mich über die schlechte englische Presse zu echauffieren. Das schließt die ach so ehrwürdige und seriöse BBC ein. Eigentlich. Ab und an überkommt mich aber wieder ein Schauder. So auch heute. Obige Meldung erschien allen Ernstes heute Abend als "Breaking News", um nach wenigen Minuten zu einer Topmeldung aufzusteigen.
Sunday, 5 November 2006
The verdict
It worries me that the Foreign Secretary has welcomed the verdict against Saddam Hussein. The former Iraqi president has been sentenced to death over the killings of 148 civilians in Dujail in 1982 today.
How can a government that clearly opposes the death penalty be in favour of a verdict that results in hanging? Mrs Beckett speaks of "appalling crimes" and that "It is right that those accused of such crimes against the Iraqi people should face Iraqi justice."
Let's be clear. These crimes were appalling and whoever is responsible for them needs to be brought to justice. Two questions arise though. Firstly, was the trial against Saddam fair? International lawyers and Amnesty International have serious doubts. The human rights organisation claims that is was "deeply flawed and unfair". It appears that the trial was not judged by Western standards as Mrs Beckett implies.
Secondly, if you are under the impression that the trial was held under democratic standards - an opinion that is predictable if you are part of the "coalition against terror" - why do you feel obliged to hail such a verdict? And how credible is it if you then add that you are opposed to the death penalty? Does that mean we are generally against and it, but not this time? Why didn't Mrs Beckett join her European counterparts in their statements today? Most of them said that Saddam should be held accountable for his crimes, but that he should get life imprisonment rather than the death penalty.
BTW is it coincidence that the verdict was announced two days before the US midterm election?
How can a government that clearly opposes the death penalty be in favour of a verdict that results in hanging? Mrs Beckett speaks of "appalling crimes" and that "It is right that those accused of such crimes against the Iraqi people should face Iraqi justice."
Let's be clear. These crimes were appalling and whoever is responsible for them needs to be brought to justice. Two questions arise though. Firstly, was the trial against Saddam fair? International lawyers and Amnesty International have serious doubts. The human rights organisation claims that is was "deeply flawed and unfair". It appears that the trial was not judged by Western standards as Mrs Beckett implies.
Secondly, if you are under the impression that the trial was held under democratic standards - an opinion that is predictable if you are part of the "coalition against terror" - why do you feel obliged to hail such a verdict? And how credible is it if you then add that you are opposed to the death penalty? Does that mean we are generally against and it, but not this time? Why didn't Mrs Beckett join her European counterparts in their statements today? Most of them said that Saddam should be held accountable for his crimes, but that he should get life imprisonment rather than the death penalty.
BTW is it coincidence that the verdict was announced two days before the US midterm election?
Friday, 3 November 2006

Man stelle sich das vor: 14 Einwohner pro Kamera! Die könnte man tatsächlich auf einem zur Kamera gehöhrigen Bildschirm sehen und identifizieren. Da das aber meistens nicht passiert, rennt der Einwohner Großbritanniens durchschnittlich 300 durch das Sichtfeld einer CCTV Kamera. Und wie stehts mit dem Datenschutz? Aber man muss doch nichts befürchten, wenn man ein braver Bürger ist und hat es eine abschreckenden Wirkung. Außerdem stelle dir vor: Ein Familienmitglied wird auf der Straße ermordet und man kann den Täter mittels CCTV identifizieren. So in etwa die Ansicht zweier meiner Kollegen zum Thema. Ich gebe nur zu Bedenken, dass sowohl die 9/11 als auch die 7/7 Attentäter aufgezeichnet wurden...
Anyway, wenn man dann das Gesicht zum Täter (oder potenziellen Täter) gefunden hat, kann man es mit der DNA Datenbank (3.5 Mio Einträge) und der für Fingerabdrücke abgleichen (6 Mio Einträge) und, weiß eigentlich?. Achja, zuschlagen. Und um sicher zu gehen, schicken wir 250 Polizisten zum Verhaften.
Damit überlasse ich euch das Feld. Und wer mir sagen kann, wie hoch die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist, dass ich auch schon in einer solchen Datenbank verzeichnet bin (Die UK hat 60 Mio. Einwohner), bekommt ein Pint.
Thursday, 2 November 2006
Watch your money

We all now that we should watch our valuables in busy tourist areas, e.g. Amsterdam. But this is different and rather shocking. Brittle Euro notes have appeared in Germany. Apparently the notes literally fall into pieces while using them. The German Bundesbank denies that they are forgeries but claims that they must have come into contact with an acid.
I just try to imagine the day we have to pay our rent. Thanks to the great bank system and/or strange landlords we have to pay it in cash. So once every month we'd walk with well over £1,000 to the property agent. As you can imagine this already is quite a pile of notes. Now multiply this by say 20 and imagine the face of the agent when you put the crumbs on the table...
I have to say this is the first time I'm really happy that the UK have not (yet?) joined the EU monetary union. They have found 1,500 notes so far. Good luck guys!
Wednesday, 1 November 2006
My committment
If anyone has any tips re best man please leave a coment to this blog. My cousin gets married in March and I've committed myself to be his best man (I like the German word for it better. Trauzeuge. There's no direct translation into English for it, although it means witness to a marriage).
Already regret it, Sonja and Jörn, cause I bet you somehow make me sign this document where I commit myself to pay for you expenses when you loose your jobs, get the blame if your rats get poisened and so on. Well, I'll be prepared ;-)
Already regret it, Sonja and Jörn, cause I bet you somehow make me sign this document where I commit myself to pay for you expenses when you loose your jobs, get the blame if your rats get poisened and so on. Well, I'll be prepared ;-)
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